11/07/2016 20:58
We are now working on a new game called Floatlands! More information coming later.
18/04/2016 20:02
So we finished our Ludum Dare 35 Entry. It's called Evolved and it's about changing forms depending on the situation.
17/04/2016 23:23
So we are nearly finished with our LD 35 Entry. Screenshots are uploaded soon and hopefully it will make success.
06/03/2016 18:02
So we got the demo done and we are gonna publish it as soon as possible.
04/03/2016 12:29
We are gonna publish a playable demo of a game named Anguish. It's a horror game where you need to collect different items around the map to make progress.
12/12/2015 13:45
We are currently working on an unnamed Ludum Dare project. It's gonna take some time but we have good ideas so we might be able to finish this in the time.
31/10/2015 10:54
We finished our Ludum Dare entry. It still has some bugs and stuff to work on but we ran out of time so have this. (Link in Downloads article).
14/10/2015 15:10
We are making a game named Slimey Slime for Ludum Dare. It's a 2D game where you have to complete puzzles and stuff. It's nearly done.
09/09/2015 07:28
We got a new project named "Depths". We are assuming that this project will be finished. (Not sure). It's gonna be a 2D platformer style game.
09/09/2015 07:24
We have a new member in our team! Onni Päivinen. He helps us with the storylines, music etc.
Niklas Pirinen
Jere Birkman